Timothy bancroft-hinchey biography

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    Tolstoy, Universal values, the Human condition

    By Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

    “It is horrible!

    Timothy bancroft-hinchey biography

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  • It is not the suffering and the death of the animals that is horrible, but the fact that the man without any need for so doing crushes his lofty feeling of sympathy and mercy for living creatures and does violence to himself that he may be cruel.

    The first element of moral life is abstinence.” ~ Tolstoy

    The words of Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910), speaking of his conversion to Vegetarianism and words for reflection this Christmas Season, which is an example of goodwill for all, whether or not they are Christians and whether or not they decide to celebrate Christmas.

    Eternal and universal values

    In Tolstoy’s words we find, a century later, the same eternal and universal values celebrated by Humankind since the days of the Australopithecus, Lucy, hailed as the first Human Being, our (symbolic) common ancestor, who was unquestionably also a Vegetarian.

    We find words of compas