Life scientist biography project
Life scientist biography project pdf.
Life scientist biography project
Science is both a body of knowledge about the world and a method for creating new knowledge. Both of these facts about science are very general and philosophical. Science is also very specific and practical.
Science is a human endeavor carried out by real people. It moves forward in great leaps only after many individuals contribute thousands of incremental steps.
Life scientist biography project ideas
In science classes you learn about the facts discovered by science and about how to discover new facts and build theories. Less time is spent on exploring the human side of science. In this project you will take some time to learn about individual scientists and their discoveries.
You will write a biography about the life of the scientist both in and out of the lab. You will write about the person: their family, their career, their successes, their failures. You will also write about the scientist’s contributions to the body of knowledge called science.
Your research project has implications beyond your