Claudine guerin de tencin biography of alberta

  • Claudine guerin de tencin biography of alberta
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    Claudine guerin de tencin biography of alberta ca...

    If ever a girl grew up with a thick cloud of scandal about her, Claudine Alexandrine Guerin de Tencin, was one. Born into a proud yet poor family, she found herself forced at an early age to join a convent.

    This path of life, while chosen by many, was not the direction she saw herself take, nor did she want to, and resisted it while she could. She was unable to marry "suitable to her birth" and the only other option the family saw was to become a nun.

    Reluctantly she gave in and took her vows to the church.

    Claudine guerin de tencin biography of alberta

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  • Claudine guerin de tencin biography of alberta ca
  • Claudine guerin de tencin biography of alberta photos
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  • Possibly it was a blessing for her, that she resided in a convent in a prominent social area. It was located at the far end of a popular and fashionable promenade, and friends would often come to visit. Claudine Alexandrine was sociable, pretty and talented, and she afforded no shortage of friends.

    The visitors were not wholly welcomed and as the convents' cardinal noted the girls vowed to leave the world behind not bring the world to them.


    After so long she decide