James d corrothers biography template

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    James d corrothers biography template

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  • James D. Corrothers

    (1869–1917), writer and minister.

    Born in Michigan, James D. Corrothers was raised in the predominantly white community of South Haven by his paternal grandfather, a man of Cherokee and Scotch-Irish ancestry.

    He moved to Muskegon at age fourteen, supporting himself and his grandfather. Shortly thereafter he moved to Indiana, then to Springfield, Ohio, working as a laborer. There, in his teens, he began his literary career, publishing a poem, “The Deserted School House”, in the local newspaper.

    Corrothers's literary career received a boost when, at eighteen, he relocated to Chicago.

    James d corrothers biography template pdf

    Working in a white barber shop, he met journalist-reformer Henry Demarest Lloyd and showed him some poems. Lloyd arranged for their publication in the Chicago Tribune, getting Corrothers a custodial job in the Tribune offices. Corrothers was soon asked to do an article on Chicago's African American elite.

    He was chagrined when the story appeared, rewritten by a white reporter in a w