Daniel willingham new york times

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    Reading and the Mind: An Interview With Daniel Willingham

    Daniel Willingham has long been interested in how learning and memory work.

    But about 15 years ago, the University of Virginia professor of psychology decided to move beyond the study of cognition and do something few others in his field had done: focus on what the research means for classrooms.

    Daniel willingham new york times connections

    His goal these days is to help K-12 teachers understand why students learn the way they do.

    “My experience is teachers are kind of tired hearing ‘If you do X, then Y will happen,’” Willingham, who is married to a Montessori teacher and credits her with guiding much of his research, said in a recent interview.

    “They’re just supposed to believe it. It’s pretty patronizing.

    Daniel willingham new york times

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  • Wall street journal
  • Washington post
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  • ... It wouldn’t satisfy me. It’s much more persuasive if you understand how it works.”

    Willingham has written several successful books that bridge the gap between cognitive psychology and education, including Why Don’t Students Like School?

    and Raising Kids