Eitan wertheimer iscar grade

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    By Lloyd & Noah Graff

    Today’s Machining World Archives September 2007 Volume 03 Issue 09

    Lloyd Graff: I read your bio, and there isn’t that much about you personally.
    Eitan Wertheimer:
    ISCAR was started in 1951.

    I was born in ’51.

    Eitan wertheimer iscar grade

  • Eitan wertheimer iscar grade
  • Biography
  • Eitan wertheimer iscar grade school
  • Eitan wertheimer iscar grade 4
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  • Eitan wertheimer iscar grade 3
  • My father wanted to name the company after my name, but my mother told him, “Maybe it won’t be successful, so don’t do it.” So he called it ISCAR, Israel Carbide.

    Lloyd: Israel Carbide, ISCAR; the company has been synonymous with Israel for its whole history.

    You were born four years after Israel was born. The company grew parallel to the state. What does selling out to Warren Buffet in 2006 mean in terms of Israel, or was it purely a business decision on your part?
    It wasn’t selling out.

    It was a basic idea of becoming part of something bigger, and happily that opportunity opened up. We wanted to secure our customers and our people for yet again another 50 years or more.

    Lloyd: What do you gain by being with Berkshire