Dale degroff bartender recipes

  • Dale degroff bartender recipes
  • Dale degroff bartender recipes easy.

    If you were bartending between the mid-1990s and say, 2008 or so, there’s one cocktail you likely made more than any other.

    And no, it wasn’t today’s ubiquitous Espresso Martini.

    Dale degroff bartender recipes

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  • It was the Cosmopolitan. You’d serve one over the bar and then the orders would come flooding in. In the stock rooms of bars all over the country there were 6-packs of the big glass Ocean Spray bottles stacked high, the drink’s popularity fuelled by popular culture and Sex & The City.

    The problem was, though, that the Cosmopolitan — which is a perfectly good drink — was made so terribly most of the time, drowning in cranberry juice and sweeter than sugar syrup.

    If only bartenders had followed the Dale DeGroff Cosmopolitan recipe we have for you here, there would have been many more happy guests.

    As to who invented the Cosmopolitan — one of the most famous drinks the world has ever known, frankly — there is a bit of conjecture.

    One claim has it that Cheryl Cook invented it in South Be